Repurposed Jewelry | Urban Bags | Upcycling Companies - Sword & Plough

Brand Champion of the Month - Melissa Musick

Brand Champion of the Month - Melissa Musick

Fall Fashion Not Fast Fashion: Why Our New Fall Products are a HUGE Deal

Fall Fashion Not Fast Fashion: Why Our New Fall Products are a HUGE Deal

In case you missed it, Sword & Plough rolled out three new products this week, just in time for the fall season. The new pieces, the Brass Ba...
Sword & Plough's Notes from the Field: August 2017

Sword & Plough's Notes from the Field: August 2017

  The summer is winding down and Sword & Plough is ready for fall. This month we launched some amazing fall additions to our collection, welc...
Brand Champion of the Month - Ben Soltero De Martin

Brand Champion of the Month - Ben Soltero De Martin