Repurposed Jewelry | Urban Bags | Upcycling Companies - Sword & Plough

Sword & Plough’s Notes from the Field: September 2017

Sword & Plough’s Notes from the Field: September 2017

  Fall is in the air and even though we were sad to say goodbye to summer, we are ready to kick off the new season! Fall brings things like Natio...
Brand Champion of the Month - Melissa Musick

Brand Champion of the Month - Melissa Musick

Fall Fashion Not Fast Fashion: Why Our New Fall Products are a HUGE Deal

Fall Fashion Not Fast Fashion: Why Our New Fall Products are a HUGE Deal

In case you missed it, Sword & Plough rolled out three new products this week, just in time for the fall season. The new pieces, the Brass Ba...
Sword & Plough's Notes from the Field: August 2017

Sword & Plough's Notes from the Field: August 2017

  The summer is winding down and Sword & Plough is ready for fall. This month we launched some amazing fall additions to our collection, welc...
Brand Champion of the Month - Ben Soltero De Martin

Brand Champion of the Month - Ben Soltero De Martin